Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day one

This is an idea stuck to me while talking with my friends from all over the world on phone and explaining them the decision I took, which every Indian living abroad might have thought at least once in their life time: Moving back to India for good. Yes, we as a family took the decision to move back to India for good. After living more than seven years outside India we finally decided that its time to go back and enjoy the life in India.

And as most of the Indian do, all of us always ask each other why? Its like a family decision for them. There is something about Indian they always tend to treat their friends as family and thinks every decision their friend took is the one they are taking. They live with their ups and downs and also share the feelings. I love this behavior of the Indians living abroad, which makes me feel homely. So why not talk about this big adventure of an Indian living abroad going back to India. That’s how it’s started. Explaining my friends about the decision and as well as all the things, which goes with it. And you will be surprised to know the amount of things associated with it, just to start with, how to balance your life there. I know you are confused reading this sentence but believe me every Indian who went through this change will understand what I mean by this. So let me explain.

When we come outside India the first thing we do is to adapt our self to new culture, habits, food, weather and so on….. and believe me it takes some time and lot of efforts. But we soon enjoy the new situation and start enjoying all the freedom you get. Now just imagine other way round, you are now going back to India and has to adapt again new the old culture (because now you look it at different angle), habits (which you think are strange and wonder that in past you were doing the same), food (which is actually one of the driving force pulling back to India), weather (you always love nice sunny weather, but pollution attach to it what kills the fun) and so on. One thing about food which I like to mention, few days back on BBC, I watched an cooking show and I heard a very good sentence about the food and culture, the lady said when you live abroad your life changes, your culture, your language, your habits too, but food is the one thing which keeps constant and that is the thing which makes you feel very special. How true she is.

Most of the Indians staying abroad always makes the plans to go back and believe me more than 50% of them make them again and again. Their next year never comes. Out of remaining another 50% eventually goes back after few years. During my mental and physical journey of moving back to India I will try to take you through the adventure. One thing is for sure, ‘you can take an Indian out of India but you can not take India out of an Indian’.

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